Tag: EFAW Training

Obtaining A Certificate For Emergency First Aid At The Workplace

Learn Essential Emergency Skills

For some employers there is a legal requirement that their employees have a certificate of emergency first aid at work. They can get such a certificate when they complete the EFAW training.

Depending on the work environment, first aid training also differs. If your workplace is in production, where injuries can occur due to improper operation of a machine or injuries from chemical agents, there is training where you can master the appropriate skills of providing first aid for these types of injuries. If you work in an environment with children, there is special training where you can get a certificate of completion of pediatric first aid training.

EFAW Training

To obtain a certificate of emergency first aid at work, you need to attend our training, which includes theoretical and practical training. In this training, you can master the necessary skills and knowledge to provide emergency assistance. In this training, you will learn how to provide first aid to people who have various types of cuts, to a person who is choking, then how to provide help when it comes to large wounds and extensive bleeding or if there have been broken bones. You will also learn how to help a person who has diabetes or asthma or what to do if a heart attack occurs and much more that can threaten someone’s life.

Each candidate will be evaluated by the trainer who trained him and based on the results achieved, he will make a decision whether the candidate is ready to provide first aid to a person who has been injured or is having an attack.

In order for you to master all the necessary emergency skills in a simple and fast way and get a certificate about it, EFAW training can enable you to do so.